Brass Bus - Bar

In our facility, calibrated and pressed brass bars are produced for vending machines. Our products are shipped in standard size and tonnage package. According to customer demand, production is also carried out in special lengths.

Product Account (kg / m);
X = size of the product or the dimension between the mutually parallel surfaces (mm)

Long Length x Short Length x 0,00845

  Bus-Bar Properties

Bus-Bar Properties

Size kg / m Size kg / m
20 x 3 0,510 60 x 20 10,200
30 x 3 0,765 70 x 20 11,900
40 x 3 1,020 80 x 20 13,600
50 x 3 1,275 90 x 20 15,300
60 x 3 1,530 100 x 20 17,000
80 x 3 2,040 30 x 25 6,375
100 x 3 2,550 40 x 25 8,500
20 x 5 0,850 50 x 25 10,625
30 x 5 1,275 60 x 25 12,750
40 x 5 1,700 70 x 25 14,875
50 x 5 2,125 80 x 25 17,000
60 x 5 2,550 90 x 25 19,125
80 x 5 3,400 100 x 25 21,250
100 x 5 4,250 30 x 30 7,650
20 x 10 1,700 40 x 30 10,200
25 x 10 2,125 50 x 30 12,750
30 x 10 2,550 60 x 30 15,300
35 x 10 2,975 70 x 30 17,850
40 x 10 3,400 80 x 30 20,400
50 x 10 4,250 90 x 30 22,950
60 x 10 5,100 100 x 30 25,500
80 x 10 6,800 40 x 40 13,600
100 x 10 8,500 50 x 40 17,000
20 x 15 2,550 60 x 40 20,400
30 x 15 3,825 70 x 40 23,800
40 x 15 5,100 80 x 40 27,200
50 x 15 6,375 90 x 40 30,600
60 x 15 7,650 100 x 40 34,000
80 x 15 10,200 50 x 50 21,250
100 x 15 12,750 60 x 60 30,600
30 x 20 5,100 70 x 70 41,650
40 x 20 6,800 80 x 80 54,400
50 x 20 8,500 90 x 90 68,850
- - 100 x 100 85,000

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